Can You Feed Reptiles Dead Worms

Melissa cares for a variety of exotic animals and has completed a certificate in veterinary assisting and a bachelor's degree in biology.

Is canned prey good for reptiles?

Is canned prey good for reptiles?

Canned Insects for Reptiles

Canned whole prey for reptiles and other small animals is starting to become popular in the market. For insect-eating reptiles, live prey used to be the only feeding option because freeze-dried foods do not contain the necessary moisture content.

Many people find insect care burdensome as well as noisy and smelly, and some people are squeamish about handling such animals (or do not like feeding live, like myself). Canned insects provide a possible alternative to live feed, but currently, using these food choices for the majority of nutrition is controversial with most keepers.

Obviously, food provided in its natural state, as it would be consumed in the wild, provides optimum nutrition. If properly raised and fed, canned insects can offer similar benefits, but what are the potential drawbacks of using these canned diets with pets?

Nutrition of Canned Foods

One of the biggest concerns people seem to have with canned foods is the idea that they may lack proper nutrition. There is a common perception that canned foods, including canned vegetables, are leached of nutrients. However, this is not true.

Comparing the labels to the nutrition facts of fresh prey, the values are pretty much the same, although they vary by brand. Unfortunately, although there is a wealth of information about the nutrition of common canned food for humans, such as with vegetables, but there is little or no information about the effects of canned whole animals. However, some studies have recorded that the storage of canned foods may enrich the concentration of some metals such as iron, copper, and zinc [1].

Benefits and Drawbacks of Canned Prey

Pros Cons


Possible alterations to protein due to heating process

No care necessary

Requires proper storage to prevent spoilage

No threat of feeding on the animal while it sleeps

May not be properly gut-loaded

Readily available during live food shortages, and can be used as backup

Lasts only 3 days after opening

Offers prey items that are not available as live feeders

Lack of movement may not stimulate pets

No risk of escape

Expensive (about $2-5 per can of about 30-60 animals)

Are Preservatives Used?

Canned insects are indeed 'cooked in the can' according to the label, and the 'meat' of the prey is similar to the change in cooked meat. This could potentially be a negative quality of the food given that cooking is known to change the chemical composition of the meat.

It should be noted that most pets are also fed diets that are heavily cooked and processed. It is not clear if the processing methods utilized by the suppliers of these products are as severe, however. Most of the canned insects are soft and seem organic.

Some people have expressed worry over the use of preservatives, but according to the makers of the products, no preservatives are used. The canned food in effect stays fresh in the refrigerator after opening around the same length as fresh meat, which is about three days.

Using Canned Food

Canned prey has various applications for use. It can be used as backup when live feeders are unavailable, and they are very useful in adding supplemental variety to your pet's diet.

The canned crickets utilized are not the commonly used Acheta domesticus, but the larger European species Gryllus linnaeus (there is also a smaller-sized variety offered).

There are many other unique insects available through the canned brands: Soft-bodied caterpillars (Erionota Thrax), river shrimp, small earthworms, and grasshoppers. These are very large and 'bony' insects, like silkworm pupae, dragonfly nymphs, and de-shelled snails, which are especially important for animals such as caiman lizards that feed on the hard-to-raise mollusks. There are canned small fish for turtles, and common feeders such as mealworms (large and small), super worms, and wax worms are also available.

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How I store canned insects in the freezer

How I store canned insects in the freezer

Always be sure to store canned foods in temperatures that do not exceed 75 degrees, preferably store them in a cool place such as a cellar or basement.

Temperatures over 100 degrees may damage canned foods, and nutrient loss may occur over 75. Use the foods within 12 months as a general rule [2]. Some people have reported illness in their pets from the use of these foods, and this was most likely due to spoilage.

Unfortunately, the products may spoil if kept in a hot warehouse before they arrive. To counteract this, never use the product if it smells off. The canned crickets, unlike live crickets, actually have a clean smell, and no ammonia or decaying scent should be detectable. Most of the canned products, with the exception of the silkworm pupae, have a moist neutral scent that is in no way overpowering or offensive. Since the canned foods only last about three days, I always freeze the portions I know I won't be able to use in that amount of time.


The companies claim that the animals in their products have been gutloaded (fed a nutritious diet that is imperative for the long-term health of reptiles). However, we are not told what this diet consists of, and in my experience, I feel it is essential to include your own gutload if you will be feeding mostly or exclusively canned foods.

This is also a good idea as it adds a fresh, non-processed food source into the diet. But how do you gutload insects that are already dead? I simply inject the prey (usually one or two will suffice) using a syringe with a pre-blended mixture of healthy fruits, vegetables, and other foods such as sweet potato baby food, bee pollen, kelp, and other nutritious additives (when animals require medicinal assistance this is also useful).

You can also dip the prey in the mixture if the animal will eat it. It requires a bit of extra effort, but if this isn't done consistently when canned foods are mostly fed, the pet may experience health issues. With animals such as bearded dragons which are omnivorous, providing varied fresh foods shouldn't be as much of a problem. It is always a good idea to vary your pet's diet in most circumstances, just in case one food source isn't providing adequate nutrition.

What Animals Will Accept Non-Live Prey?

This is the greatest concern with feeding canned foods, if your pet will even take it. Buying a reptile with the assumption that live insects won't be needed is may cause problems. Most reptiles, mainly lizards, are stingy or highly individualistic.

Since turtles hunt by smell, they will most likely take the food unless they don't like the taste. Lizards such as geckos and bearded dragons have had mixed results according to customer reviews. I experimented on a bearded dragon in a nature center where I was volunteering; the animal was not interested in the food when the food was still but with the use of a vibrating feeding dish or even dangling a non-live cricket, it was eaten.

Other reports vary from the animal eating nothing but the foods to others not touching it. Chameleons are very unique animals who are attuned to specific movements. With both of the panther chameleons I have owned, none would even glance at the vibrating dish, but I've fed them exclusively on the foods through other methods (the results were mixed, but other factors may have affected that).

Any animal that is used to being hand-fed will begin to identify your hand as offering food. Chameleons trained with this method may also accept canned foods

Frogs typically need a stimulus, or movement, from the foods but will often take it. My axolotl takes the canned worms (and frozen blood worms) with ease as well as my red eared slider. Mammals and birds will probably benefit the most from canned foods and have no problem recognizing the smelly foods as edible. The canned crickets are my genet's 2nd favorite food. I am also currently feeding a Singapore Blue tarantula and Vietnamese centipede with the food. They both need minimal stimulus.

Spider Outside with Canned Cricket

Spider Outside with Canned Cricket


[1] Arvanitoyannis, I. The effect of storage of canned meat on concentration of the metals Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, Sn, Al, Cd and Ni. Volume 34, Issue 2, pages 147–151. 1990


This article is accurate and true to the best of the author's knowledge. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately.

Shaddie from Washington state on May 02, 2012:

Oh yes, a few phasmids can do this! I'm sorry you got it up your nose though, that's not very fun :P I've never had it happen to me, but some species are supposed to be have more aggressive spray than others. Did the one from the schultei itch or sting, or was it just a surprise? Bugs are so amazing!

Grace Marguerite Williams from the Greatest City In The World-New York City, New York on May 01, 2012:

Melissa, informative hub. I learned something new. Thank you for sharing this information.

Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on April 30, 2012:

Yes, I'm lucky they both do since I don't feed live. Most of them probably need a little encouragement.

I need to get around to taking those pictures for you. Today one of the schulteis bloody sprayed me in the face from the front of its body and it went up my nose...did you know they could do this?? I didn't! I was in a bad mood at the time so it really wasn't appreciated, haha. I ripped open the container and sprayed water in and bam. I wasn't even sure it happened so I looked it up. But they are sooo cute.

Shaddie from Washington state on April 30, 2012:

Oddly enough I have never considered that arthropods would accept these canned foods. Very interesting... I should try it sometime!


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